Board   E4EC
Here you can find some things about the history of the club
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E4EC History

The idea of creating an email chess server began early in 2001. A few lines of codes were written to see if it is possible to make email chess easier. Could we establish a club where people can play chess simply by email? I know what huge efforts are needed to maintain an email chess club, but what are the computers for if not to take the hard and regular work from humans?

The club was founded in the middle of 2001, when a few obsessed and curious players were trying to use the system's first facilities. It had no name, and a lot of very useful things were still unsupported. But at least we could make moves. :-)

At the beginning of 2002 the club was deemed ready for the Internet public, most of the basic facilities needed to start and play games were working.

By the end of 2002 much work had been done and the following facilities were supported: the pairing system, PGN and FEN support, time controls, vacation policy, the reminder system, and a lot of other stuff were ready, such as starting games with standard openings, assigning colour during a challenge, friendly games, and the chess problem system, to mention only the major things.

On November 20, 2002 the club got it's final name, E4EC, which stands for E4 Emailchess Club, and became the club's Internet domain.

A few things remain to be completed in 2004. The biggest challenge is to support more types of tournaments.

A few milestones:

Jan 07, 2003 The daily number of moves first raised over 100.
Jan 10, 2003 The number of players reached 50.
May 09, 2003 The Hungarian Chess Federation put a link to the club onto its homepage.
Jul 22, 2003 The daily number of moves first raised over 250.
Sep 19, 2003 The number of players reached 100, while inactive players are removed.
Nov 10, 2003 Someone from the Hungarian Chess Federation called me to organize the I. Hungarian E-mail Final in the club. Of course, the request was accepted.
Feb 02, 2004 The number of moves a day first raised over 500.
Aug 27, 2004 The number of moves a day first raised over 1,000.
May 1, 2005 The 10,000th game has started.


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