Page title:[E4EC] Features
Subtitle:The most important features of the club and the chess server


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There are chess tournaments in the club continuously.
Now single round-robin, class based tournaments run only. They are class based that ensures players in similar ratings play each other. The games run simultaneously in round-robin tournaments, so a seven player event means 6 games in one time.
There are single class tournaments, where players of each 200 points class play each other. These events are always for 7 players.
And there are multi-class tournaments also, where players from 3 neighbor classes can play in. These are always for 9 players.

Whenever a tournament fills up, another one starts with the same parameters.

To protect serious players, new members can enter for tournaments after they have finished 5 games in order, and if their reliability factor is not below the value of 5.

In more details on the Tournaments page.

Available from Feb 12, 2003.

The following list contains the most important features of the club.
Click on any of them to find more about them.
If you are interested in all the details, please check the Details page also.