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Contact Us

The team that manages and develops the club can be reached via the following four methods.
Please take into consideration that we process many messages a day, be clear, short, and leave all previous discussion quoted in your message.

1. Contact us via email

Please find the following email addresses to send a message to us:

Field Person Email
Send email to the Support Team if you are in trouble with the usage of the server or you have any question, or problem Support Team
Please contact Andras Galos in general subjects, if you have any trouble using the server, and in every question that isn't covered below Andras Galos
Write our webmaster, if you have any trouble with this site, with its content or design Webmaster
Write our postmaster, if you have any trouble with sending email messages for us, or to the chess server, or if you have any trouble receiving messages sent by us or by the chess server Postmaster

2. Contact us via form

You can also use the following form to send us a message. This method is useful if you can't use your email client or in case of an email delivery trouble.
To: (The person who you want to send the message to)
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3. Contact us via the forums

You can use the forums also to reach us.
Forums are more public: all the visitors can read your message.
This method is useful if you have serious email problem either sending messages, receiving or both, or you want your message to be public and read (or either replied) by others too.
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The Kuruksetra battle

When the morning of that day has dawned, the two parties faced each other in arms.
The warriors stood in four rows: kings and princes in front on shining charriots, in jewelry and gold-adorned armors, with glistening weapons. Battle flags swung on high poles of each chariots, they will recognize each others and the enemy in the deepest bustle of the battle.
The cavarly formed the second line. They were ready on light and quick horses, to support the charriots.
Huge elephants like mountains stood in the third line, armored frameworks on their back, fullfilled with archers and lancers: when the charriots and chavarly disarranged the enemy, they will roll like rocks over them.
The infantry formed the fourth line behind the elephants, with shields and swords, to settle the battle with their bulk.
(from the Mahabharata)

Position of the chess pieces is similar to the above:
Infantry: the pawns
Charriots: the rooks
Chavarly: the knights
Elephants: the bishops (on schematical illustrations in the Middle Ages they were similar to the fools hat: the name of this piece is fou in Franche, which means fool, and Laufer in German which means something like bishop)
The queen is a minister of the king in the easter chess, fersan in Persian, and mudabbi in Arabic.
Three Setups Repetition Rule

The server fully supports this special rule and players can claim a draw according to this rule.
In this case two equal signs have to be written at the end of the move.

If the claim is correct, the game ends in draw immediately.
If the claim in incorrect, the game continues and a draw offer will be available for the opponent that she can accept, if she wants to. This feature has been created to be in accordance with the official FIDE rules.
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