Board   E4EC
Some stories from the world of chess...
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A number looks very different in other numerical systems.
Here is for example the decimal 58604. In the octal system it is 162354, while in binary it is 1110010011101100.
Sounds much better in the 16th numerical system: E4EC

The following list contains all the stories gathered from here and there.
Click on any of them.

PGN Format

The PGN format is a standard way to describe a chess game.
It contains players' data such as names, ratings, country codes, the date, and site of the game, and contains the moves also that have been taken in the game, and the result of the game also.
The game can be in progress too, in this case its result is "*", later it usually changes to "1-0", "0-1" or "1/2-1/2".
Please find the detailed description of the PGN format here.
The server understands the PGN format, it can send and receive moves in this format.

Many softwares use this format to exchange games, those too which are used by correspondence chess players to play their games, such as ECTool, or Mailchess (more on the Links page).
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