Board   E4EC
Some stories from the world of chess...

Hutton Pairing

Hutton pairing is a system of matching many teams while demanding only one game from each player taking part. It was devised in 1921 by a Scottish clergyman, George Dickson Hutton (1866 - 1929), and has been used regularly for correspondence team events and for matches where many teams assemble on one day, for this reason it is sometimes called "jamboree pairing".

The players in each team are ranked in order of strength and each player meets someone of similar ranking. When the number of teams is one more than the number of boards, each team meets every other team on one board only. Organisers use pairing tables which enable them to cope with any number of teams and any number of boards.

The following list contains all the stories gathered from here and there.
Click on any of them.


The game is the most exciting, when the two players are on the same playing strength. If the difference is too high between their strength, then one player will see the same game boring, that the other will see annihilating.
The playing strength are defined by the elo rating, its value is usually between 800 and 2600 points. Players are divided into different classes according to their playing strength, their elo rating. Players in the same class are in similar playing level.
Tournaments are usually class based, so players in the same level play each other in tournaments (mostly).
The following classes are defined in the club:

Class M 2200-
Class X 2000-2199
Class A 1800-1999
Class B 1600-1799
Class C 1400-1599
Class D 1200-1399
Class E 1000-1199
Class F 000-999
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