Board   E4EC
Some stories from the world of chess...


Mendeleev Dmitriy Ivanovich Mendeleev (1834-1907) is best known for devising the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements.

He loved to play chess, among other games, and correspondence chess too. A beautiful but hard chess problem follows from him from July 4, 1889, white mates in two:

1Rr1N3/3p2PK/8/8 w - - 0 1

White mates in two!

The following list contains all the stories gathered from here and there.
Click on any of them.

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If their email clients are able to display graphic and html messages, they usually turn on the html message format, which is really friendlier than the plain text format.
Of course, it often happens, that the two players of the same game uses different message formats, and the same game displays differently for them.
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