Board   E4EC
Games of the club

If you are looking for chess games played in the club, then please see the Events page, this page talks about games in general.

Players can play as many games as they want in the club. A maximum of 100 simultaneous games is a general setting to avoid overloading.
Many games run simultaneously by each player.

Games can be divided into three groups in the club. These are all standard chess games, all the rules apply, but some of their attributes are different according to which groups they belong to.

The following table shows the attributes of the games belonging to the three groups:

Games from challenges Games from pairing Tournament games
Rating Rated or friendly Rated Rated
Time Control Without time control, 10/30, 10/40, 10/50 or 5+1 10/30 10/30
Opening Opening may be given by move list or given by FEN line. Start from the standard setup Start from the standard setup
Colour Challenger can choose, challenged player plays white by default Player with older pairing request plays white Colors are according to the tournament's rules
Variant Traditional or Fischer Random, as the challenger wants Traditional Traditional
Publicity Private Private Public
Deletion With the opponent's agreement With the opponent's agreement Can't be deleted

External tournaments that do not conform to the club's Regulations are not rated in club level. The games of these tournaments may also run under different time control than 10/30.

Wilhelm Steinitz

SteinitzBorn in 1836 in Prague, world champion between 1866 and 1894.
He laid down the base of positional game, therefore he is known as the founder of the modern chess. No doubt, Steinitz has opened a new chapter in the history of the game. Because of his careness, efforts for the economical play, the great attackers of his age (Chigorin, Gunsberg) have lost in order. His approach was not appreciated by the age he lived in. Players didn't take too much care of the pawn, the structure of the game, opposing to Steinitz, who probably took too much care of these.
On the first official world championship, in 1886 in New York and in St. Luis, Steinitz played 10:5 with 5 draws against the Polish Johannes Hermann Zukertort. He defended his title against Isidor Gunsberg, and twice against Mihail Chigorin too. Then lost it in 1894 against Emanuel Lasker in the final.
Finished his life in 1900 in New York in a mental hospital.
Strict mode

Saying the truth, mis-writing a move in correspondence chess can be fatal for the game.
But it depends, if the miswritten move is still valid or not fully valid. For example if the check mark (+) is missing, our opponent can reject the move, and can send it back to us for correction.
But if we have two knights, one can move to e4 and the other one can move to e5, mis-writing 12.Ne4 to 12.Ne5 can be fatal, and there is no way to proof we wanted to move the other knight.
This is a problem, that can be solved in server based correspondence chess, that this club offers.
By default the server is very indulgent in accepting moves, it accepts invalid moves if they are still unambiguous, adds check and capture marks, doesn't require the move number, etc. This is for reducing the number of rejected moves, but it results that some miswritten moves are not rejected, and are accepted as a different move.
Those players who manually compose their move messages, and therefore sometimes miswrite their moves may find the StrictMode setting useful.
If they turn it on, the server will accept only fully valid, complete moves exactly as shown in the next example:
Move 1234 12.Nd2-e4
In strict mode the server requires the move number, one dot as white and three dots as black, the piece letter (even at pawns), the from square, the capture mark or hyphen, the target square, and the check mark if needed. If any of these parts is missing, or the whole move is invalid the server rejects the move.
This way the chance that a miswritten move can be valid as an other move is lowered quite dramatically.
No Viruses Here

No Virus By default, club members do not know each other's email addresses, and all email comes from our server, so no virus can spread among our players.
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