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Dmitriy Ivanovich Mendeleev


Dmitriy Ivanovich Mendeleev (1834-1907) has not just devised the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements, but was a great chess player also.

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A number looks very different in other numerical systems.
Here is for example the decimal 58604. In the octal system it is 162354, while in binary it is 1110010011101100.
Sounds much better in the 16th numerical system: E4EC
wrote this notice on Sep 16, 2005:

given how the puzzle was constructed -- it's the only solution. 'nuff said.

Andras Galos wrote this notice on Sep 16, 2005:

Assume? Proove it. That's the big deal.

wrote this notice on Sep 16, 2005:

big deal. assume that black's last move was ...e5, which then allows white to capture en passant.

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