Board   E4EC
Some stories from the world of chess...
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My favourite chess problem

Many years ago, searching for the Internet over chess problem, I bumped into a very interesting piece.
Find it on the bottom as a FEN row, clicking on it the board will also appear.

The task is: white mates in one!

Can't be too hard, I thought, but scrolling over the possibilities the solution just didn't come up.
I check everything once more, then again, and again, and once I found another way that was hidden for me before. The solution also hid there. It became my favourite chess problem then, but of course, it's true, there are many many beautiful problems out there.


This was the first problem I submitted to the server. Some players can solve it, some don't. Some believe there is no valid solution.
So, check this problem if you want. And enjoy.

The following list contains all the stories gathered from here and there.
Click on any of them.

Email Addresses

Players can use more email addresses in the club.
They can use one on the afternoon at home, and another one in work hours in the office.

We can add new email addresses to our profile or can delete any of them from it.
If our email address is changing, first we will add the new one, then delete the old one. Simple isn't it?
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