Board   E4EC
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  Chess Server Facilities

The table below shows detailed information what is supported in the club and what is not.

Feature Supported? Remark
En passant captures, castling, promotion Yes
Draw offer Yes FIDE Laws of Chess 9.1
3 boards repetition rule Yes FIDE Laws of Chess 9.2
50 moves rule Yes FIDE Laws of Chess 9.3
Insufficient mating material rule Yes* FIDE Laws of Chess 9.6
Validity check of moves, rejecting invalid moves Yes
Automatic recognition of checkmate and stalemate Yes
Resigning a game Yes
Formats, notations
Plain text message format Yes
Html (graphical) message format Yes
Game diagram as attachment No Use html message format instead
Short (or standard) algebraic notation Yes E.g. Nxc3+, O-O, etc.
Long algebraic notation Yes E.g. a4-c4, a4c3+, a4xc4, etc.
Coordinate notation Yes E.g. a4c4, a4c3, a4c4, etc.
Correspondence notation Yes E.g. 1434, 1433, 17281, etc.
PGN support Yes
Downloading games in PGN format Yes
Starting, playing and finishing games
Challenging any player Yes
Refusing any challenge Yes
Rated games Yes
Friendly games Yes
Choosing color Yes By the challenger
Choosing time control Yes By the challenger
Simultaneous games Yes 16 games initially, raises by 2 with every normally finished game
Requesting pairing Yes Automatic, according to rating, adjustable
Starting from predefined setup using move list Yes
Starting from predefined setup using FEN line Yes
Conditional moves Yes E.g. IF c5 THEN Nxa2
Claiming result in broken games Yes Winning, draw, losing or deleting
Archiving games
Saving finished games for future access Yes
Using multiple email addresses Yes
Changing email address Yes
Digest mode Yes To get only one or two messages per day.
Rating calculation Yes Implemented by the Glicko method.
Players list, ratings list Yes
Newsletter Yes
Country codes Yes ISO 3166-1
Age and gender, real name, other textual information Yes
Uploading photo Yes
Requesting last contact times Yes
Calculating average move times Yes
Calculating most active time in a day Yes
Game logs Yes Who when, what moved, etc.
Player logs Yes When you did something, what happened, etc.
Tournament logs Yes Entries, results, etc.
Giving out email addresses No Nor even planned
Sending messages to players Yes
Setting up spoken languages Yes ISO 639-2
Sending messages to the opponent with moves, challenges, etc. Yes
Broadcast messages No Nor even planned
Ignoring players Yes
Discussion lists Yes
Forums Yes
Time controls
The 10/30, 10/40, 10/50 systems Yes
The 5+1 system Yes
Games without time control Yes
Other player defined time controls Not yet
Vacation availability Yes
Automatic vacation Yes
Time forfeit Yes The innocent player wins
Reminders about late moves Yes Adjustable
Public tournament games Yes All tournament games
Class based single round-robins Yes 7 players
Swiss tournaments Not yet
KO tournaments Not yet
Open, rating independent tournaments Not yet
Tournaments for established players only Yes 5 normally finished games needed to enter for tournaments
Invitation based official tournaments Yes
Downloading all tournament games in PGN Yes
Studying game analyses Yes
Submitting game analyses Yes
Users manual Yes
Frequently Asked Questions Yes
Guidance for new players Yes
Digitally sign outgoing messages Yes
Digital signature verification on incoming messages Yes Messages with missing or invalid signature can be rejected
Submitting chess problems Yes
Submitting chess problems using FEN line Yes
Solving chess problems Yes

*: This rule is more complex than many think. I've summarized its aspects in the page. The tight interpretation of this rule is supported by the server, this is the first four cases in that page.

Arpad Emrick Elo

ArpadElo The ELO system for rating chessplayers was named after its originator, Arpad Elo. Born in 1903, Elo emigrated to the USA when he was 10. Educated at Chicago University, he later became professor of physics at Marquette University, Milwaukee. He learned to play chess in his teens and played in a number of tournaments. He was champion or co-champion of Wisconsin 9 times between 1935 and 1961. He was active in the USCF (United States Chess Federation) from its founding in 1939. He spent 20 years developing and validating his chess rating system, which was adopted by FIDE in 1970 for international use.
His book 'The Rating of Chessplayers, Past and Present' was published in 1978 and is the definitive reference on the ELO rating system. Most chess organisations that perform ratings for players use the ELO system, or a variation of it.
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