Board   E4EC
Server statistics

To show the number of players in the club, their activity, you can find some statistical values here:

Type Value
Number of active players: 94
Number of running games: 84
Number of moves yesterday: 119
All incoming email messages: 4111822
All outgoing email messages: 6401234

A player becomes inactive if he/she is not playing in any game, does not have a pairing request, and sent his/her last message to the server more than 100 days ago. At this point he/she is temporarily removed from the players list, inactive players do not count into the above value.

Running games are those which have both players, have already started, but still didn't finish, so which are currently in progress.

Yesterday's moves are those which were taken from yesterday 00:00 until today 00:00 GMT.

All incoming messages are those, which were sent by the club members to the server from somewhere the beginning of 2002.

Outgoing messages were sent by the server to the players, also from around the beginning of 2002.

If you like to play chess, playing many games simultaneously, if you like to think your moves when you have time, and it doesn't bother you if your games last several weeks, then you are welcome to join the club.

And here you can find some rather interesting than important statistics about pieces' activity in all the games since Jan 17, 2003:

Piece Moves % Captures % Captured %
King: 321592 10 27266 4 - -
Queen: 384405 12 110266 15 50506 7
Rook: 429626 13 103369 15 72553 10
Knight: 607747 19 134004 19 138935 20
Bishop: 514829 16 136503 19 125747 18
Pawn: 933453 30 200413 28 324080 45
Summarized: 3191652 100 711821 100 711821 100

The data on this page are refreshed once each day, last on 2021.10.18, 00:00 CET.

The Kuruksetra battle

When the morning of that day has dawned, the two parties faced each other in arms.
The warriors stood in four rows: kings and princes in front on shining charriots, in jewelry and gold-adorned armors, with glistening weapons. Battle flags swung on high poles of each chariots, they will recognize each others and the enemy in the deepest bustle of the battle.
The cavarly formed the second line. They were ready on light and quick horses, to support the charriots.
Huge elephants like mountains stood in the third line, armored frameworks on their back, fullfilled with archers and lancers: when the charriots and chavarly disarranged the enemy, they will roll like rocks over them.
The infantry formed the fourth line behind the elephants, with shields and swords, to settle the battle with their bulk.
(from the Mahabharata)

Position of the chess pieces is similar to the above:
Infantry: the pawns
Charriots: the rooks
Chavarly: the knights
Elephants: the bishops (on schematical illustrations in the Middle Ages they were similar to the fools hat: the name of this piece is fou in Franche, which means fool, and Laufer in German which means something like bishop)
The queen is a minister of the king in the easter chess, fersan in Persian, and mudabbi in Arabic.
Claiming Result

It is possible here that the innocent player claims any result in a game which has been terminated by his/her opponent's fault.
It's not clearly the best if the innocent player wins, especially not if the game just started or he/she has a loosing position.
Sometimes it's definitely wrong if our rating is over our real playing strength, therefore players can claim draw and losing beside winning, and can delete the broken game without any result.
This can happen if our opponent runs out of time and has no more vacation for the current year or his/her vacation has also elapsed, or when he/she simply changes their mind and leaves the club.
In these situation it's up to the innocent player, what result he claims for that game. His/her results change according to the choice, the guilty player loses independently.
So, we can claim the best result for us in broken games, which is not necessarily the winning.
Tournament games differ, those are won by the innocent player, there is no result claim there.
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