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Many people like to play chess, but not all of them like correspondence chess. If you want to find out if this club is right for you, please read the statements below and check if they apply to you or not.
  • I like to play correspondence chess, or email chess.
  • I know the rules of chess or at least I'm ready to learn them.
  • I enjoy slower games, I like to analyze my games.
  • I will not use computer or other help, I play using my own brain.
  • I can play more games simultaneously if I have enough thinking time.
  • I want to deal with my games when I have time for them.
  • I don't mind if games last for several weeks or even a month or so, if I have enough time to think about my moves.
  • I would probably enjoy playing people from far away countries.
  • I can learn simple commands to take my moves, offer draw, challenge somebody, etc.
If most of these statements are true for you (the first four should be!), then this is the place you are searching for and you'll play exciting games here in the near future.

Why not join the club today? Just visit our Registration page and you'll be enjoying chess with new friends very soon.


Al-Adli About 800 years after the birth of Christ, chess was well known in the Arabic World. Al-Adli was the greatest known player of that age until 847. He was the closest friend of the caliph, a poet, and a minister-like official.
The game was a bit different than the modern chess we know. The initial setup was the same, as well as the king, the knight and the rook. The queen was the weakest piece because it could move one square and in diagonals only. Bishop moved in diagonals, but only two sqares, and could jump over pieces, didn't attack and didn't defend the nearest four squares. Pawns could move one step only and there was neider castling.

It's easy to find opponents here by pairing. Players can request pairing for one game, or that the server should search for opponents until she plays less than the given number of games.
This last one is the automatic pairing.
By default those players will be paired, who's ratings are closer than 100 elo points, and has never, or more than 90 days ago they played.
These parameters can be customizes, if, for example, somebody wants rather stronger or weaker players.
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