Board   E4EC
Teams in the club

Players of the club can organize in teams, they can join to teams and can establish new teams also.
To prevent the seriousness of the team games, only established players are allowed to join to teams and only more established players are allowed to create teams. To measure seriousness the reliability factor is used.

Every team has a team captain, who represents the team: he accepts or refuses new players' application for joining, he enters the team for team tournaments, etc, and he can take administrative tasks with the team.

The team captain duty can be given to any other team member anytime.

There is no restriction either in the number of the players, either in the playing strength (rating) of the players of the teams. The team itself, the team captain decides how many and how strong players they take.

Teams can challenge each other and can enter for team tournaments also, these will mean more playing and developing possibilities for the team members. These features are still under construction, will be available later.


In competitive chess, a player scores one point for a win, a half-point for a draw, and zero points for a loss. So the rankings at the end of a tournament are easy to calculate by simple addition.

In the early 19th century, when modern competitive play began, draws were ignored, and a match was won by the player who first scored an agreed number of wins, or who had the most wins after an agreed number of games. With the advent of all-play-all tournaments (the first international all-play-all was held in London in 1851) draws became more important. At first, rules were devised to discourage draws, which were very unpopular with the chess public, but gradually these were dropped and draws were counted as a half-point.
Simultaneous Games

A new player can play 16 simultaneous games initially. This number raises by 2 with each normally finished game.
A game is normally finished if it has ended in checkmate, stalemate, resign, draw agreement or draw claim.
After a player has played 5 games, she can enter the tournaments in the club.
The maximum number of simultaneous games can reduce also. If a player loses a game by time forfeit, this value lowers by 3. This is for protecting the other serious players.
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