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Contact Us

The team that manages and develops the club can be reached via the following four methods.
Please take into consideration that we process many messages a day, be clear, short, and leave all previous discussion quoted in your message.

1. Contact us via email

Please find the following email addresses to send a message to us:

Field Person Email
Send email to the Support Team if you are in trouble with the usage of the server or you have any question, or problem Support Team
Please contact Andras Galos in general subjects, if you have any trouble using the server, and in every question that isn't covered below Andras Galos
Write our webmaster, if you have any trouble with this site, with its content or design Webmaster
Write our postmaster, if you have any trouble with sending email messages for us, or to the chess server, or if you have any trouble receiving messages sent by us or by the chess server Postmaster

2. Contact us via form

You can also use the following form to send us a message. This method is useful if you can't use your email client or in case of an email delivery trouble.
To: (The person who you want to send the message to)
Your name: (Your real name or nickname)
Your email: (The email address we can send our reply to)
Subject: (What your message talks about)
Your message:

3. Contact us via the forums

You can use the forums also to reach us.
Forums are more public: all the visitors can read your message.
This method is useful if you have serious email problem either sending messages, receiving or both, or you want your message to be public and read (or either replied) by others too.
Find the forums here:
Don't click here.

My favourite chess problem

Many years ago, searching for the Internet over chess problem, I bumped into a very interesting piece.
Find it on the bottom as a FEN row, clicking on it the board will also appear.

The task is: white mates in one!

Can't be too hard, I thought, but scrolling over the possibilities the solution just didn't come up.
I check everything once more, then again, and again, and once I found another way that was hidden for me before. The solution also hid there. It became my favourite chess problem then, but of course, it's true, there are many many beautiful problems out there.


This was the first problem I submitted to the server. Some players can solve it, some don't. Some believe there is no valid solution.
So, check this problem if you want. And enjoy.

It's unfortunately possible, that a player directly disturbs another player. In this case she can put him in her ignore list. After that, he can't send messages her, and neither he can challenge her. And of course nor in the other direction.
With this feature players can ignore each other, unfortunately this is useful sometimes.
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