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Latest News

Dot Jun 02, 2008 - End of development - GalosA
Development of the chess server is halted. The club will operate onward in its current state.
Dot Jan 15, 2006 - Polish translation - GalosA
Marcin Kasperski started to translate the pages of the website to Polish.
Dot Jan 15, 2006 - News server stopped - GalosA
Without real usage I decided to stop the news server.
Dot Aug 05, 2005 - German speaking forum - paya0411
From August 2005 you can write into the forums also in German:
German speaking forum
Dot Jun 16, 2005 - News server - GalosA
A news server is available in the club from now on to support club or chess related discussions.
The address of the server is
In more detail see here.
Dot May 01, 2005 - The 10,000th game - GalosA
I can happily announce, that the 10,000th game has started today! Congratiulations for the players, who have played this many games here.
Dot Apr 19, 2005 - Supporting the Italian language is coming - GalosA
The Italian Salvatore Cuomo started the translation of the base text of the server to Italian. He is the founder of the Italian Language Team. The team kindly receives more volunteer help.
Hopefully the server will be available in Italian too.
Dot Apr 13, 2005 - Strict mode - paya0411
Reducing the chance that a miswritten move becomes valid as another move, the Strict Mode setting is available for the players. See more on the Strict Mode feature page.
Dot Jan 10, 2005 - Organizing teams - GalosA
Players of the club can form teams and can join to teams from now on. Teams can play in the later team tournaments, they will mean more playing and developing possibilities and excitements too.
See more on the Teams page.
Dot Dec 25, 2004 - The II. Hungarian E-mail Final - GalosA
On January 1, 2005 the second final of the official Hungarian E-mail Chess Championship starts.
This is an ICCF rated tournament, belongs to the Hungarian Chess Federation.
Just like in the first final, 15 best players of the previous semi finals play 1-1 game here (14 games for each of them). The time control is 10/50.
You can follow the games in daily refreshing here:
Dot Oct 27, 2004 - Supporting the German language - GalosA
The chess server is available in German language from now on too.
You can also read these pages in German at
Dot Sep 06, 2004 - Support of the Fischer Random Chess variant - GalosA
The official Fischer Random Chess variant is now supported in the club, so players can play FR games also. See more on the Variants page.
Dot Aug 02, 2004 - New events of the official Hungarian Email Chess Championship - GalosA
New events of the official Hungarian E-mail Chess Championship are created almost day by day.
From now on I'll include these new events only on the homepage of the Championship below, and not here on the News page.
The homepage is:
Dot Jul 08, 2004 - Supporting the Spanish language is coming - GalosA
Thanks to several Spanish speaking players it looks that the server will talk on and will understand Spanish. They are still working on the translation of the many-many texts, I hope they will successfully finish it soon. This will open the door for the Spanish speaking players to enter the club.
Dot Jun 23, 2004 - The 13th Hungarian E-mail Semi Final - GalosA
The next, the 13th semi final of the official Hungarian E-mail Championship started.
The games, with daily refreshing, can be reached here:
Dot Jun 22, 2004 - Claiming result in terminated games - GalosA
If one of our games is terminated due to our opponent's timeout, we can claim any result.
Seemingly winning is the best, but not in all the cases, see more here.
Dot May 18, 2004 - Calculating the approximate reliability of the players - GalosA
For getting at least an approximate overview about our future opponent before accepting his/her challenge. In a bit more details please see the Features page.
Dot Apr 19, 2004 - New forums - GalosA
Forums are available for the players of the club and for the visitors of these pages.
Players can talk each other about chess related things on the forums.
See more:
Dot Apr 15, 2004 - The 12th Hungarian E-mail Semi Final - GalosA
The 12th semi final of the official Hungarian E-mail Championship started.
The games, with daily refreshing, can be reached here:
Dot Apr 07, 2004 - New website - GalosA
New webserver is under the pages of the club.
There are many new possibilities, hopefully, new things will come up soon.
Dot Jan 01, 2004 - The 1st Hungarian E-mail Final - GalosA
Someone from the Hungarian Chess Federation asked me, somewhen in November, to shoulder the organization of the official championship of the Hungarian emailchess players. It was a great honour, the request was accepted. After doing the necessary changes (some more time controls, clocks starting at the official starting day, etc) the event officially started on the 1th of January.
The final runs as a 15 player single round-robin tournament, in the 10/50 time control.
It can be watched at the following address:
More events may follow later if the final runs well in the club.


Mendeleev Dmitriy Ivanovich Mendeleev (1834-1907) is best known for devising the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements.

He loved to play chess, among other games, and correspondence chess too. A beautiful but hard chess problem follows from him from July 4, 1889, white mates in two:

1Rr1N3/3p2PK/8/8 w - - 0 1

White mates in two!

Tournament games are public, so every player of the club can watch them.
It's possible to attach analysis to these games, that other players see. Analysis can help us to recognize mistakes and good moves, the strategy in the games, they can help us to learn.
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