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Kilka opowieści związanych z szachami

Wilhelm Steinitz

SteinitzBorn in 1836 in Prague, world champion between 1866 and 1894.
He laid down the base of positional game, therefore he is known as the founder of the modern chess. No doubt, Steinitz has opened a new chapter in the history of the game. Because of his careness, efforts for the economical play, the great attackers of his age (Chigorin, Gunsberg) have lost in order. His approach was not appreciated by the age he lived in. Players didn't take too much care of the pawn, the structure of the game, opposing to Steinitz, who probably took too much care of these.
On the first official world championship, in 1886 in New York and in St. Luis, Steinitz played 10:5 with 5 draws against the Polish Johannes Hermann Zukertort. He defended his title against Isidor Gunsberg, and twice against Mihail Chigorin too. Then lost it in 1894 against Emanuel Lasker in the final.
Finished his life in 1900 in New York in a mental hospital.

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